Saturday, May 20, 2006

what ya know about us?

I am doing great. As you can see by my ticker below I am 27 weeks which puts me in my third Trimester...countdown until August. We do not know what we are having but I am scheduled for another Ultrasound at 30 weeks. School is going decent. My financial Aid got screwed up so I had to pay out of pocket for a class. It was hard but the Lord made a way. I have a little bit more than 300 to pay left and then I can start my next set of classes. I am only 30 Credits from my Bachelor's!!! WOOOHOOOOO! With a 2.95 GPA.
My oldest Daughter Azraelle tried out for the cheerleading squad. So keep your fingers crossed that she makes it. She worked really hard and even spent her own money taking tumbling classes to work on her jumps.
Deonna has been accepted into the Early College program here at our local University. Instead of going to high school, she will take college classes on campus. It allows students beginning the ninth grade to participate in combined high school-college experience with the goal of earning a high school diploma and up to 60 hours of college credit towards either a two or four year college degree. We are so excited for her to have this opportunity.
Joshua is following right in his big sisters footsteps. He has been invited to attend the school for the gifted and talented. He has really been excelling at school. First the leadership camp in third grade. Then this year, in 4th, he was chosen to a be member of the Student Advisory to the Board of Education. Only 15 students from all the Youngstown City schools were chosen. This Advisory board offers suggestions to the Board on proposed changes that affect students directly. My boy is doing his THANG! He is fascinated by forensic science shows such as CSI and NCIS and has even expressed interest in the Naval Academy.
I have decided to keep the three elementary school kids home next year and do virtual school with them. Aris will be in second grade, Jasen in third and Kailin in fourth. I feel like they could do much better with the OHVA curriculum than they did this year. No one did bad but I don't feel they made as much progress as I would have liked. Home-schooling would not have been a good fit but virtual school seems to be the perfect fit between public school and home-schooling at least for our family.
Jorrell is doing GREAT with his therapy and meeting his goals. He is walking and talking just as any 20 month old would. He is on target with most of his goals and even exceeding them. He still has some right side weakness that shows mostly when he is tired. My momma's boy aint thinking about me now...he is all about his daddy! He loves to go bye bye with Daddy and is forever putting his hats.
MeMe is getting big so fast. She is only three pounds lighter than Jorrell and the two of them are often mistaken for twins. Its so funny to see her crawling around after him. She has started taking steps and walking around holding on to furniture. She is determined not to be left behind!
My Scrapbooking is going well. I have designed two kits so far and am learning more and more every day. Here is my sites
And all my layouts so far are posted here
If ya still with me.....THANKS for reading!

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